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Author:Mokhlisse, R.

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2 matching references were found.

Belkyal, I.; Mokhlisse, R.; Tanouti, B.; Chanh, N.B.; Couzi, M., Phase transitions in (CH3NH3)3Bi2Cl9 studied by calorimetric, X-ray diffraction and dielectric methods, J. Alloys Compd., 1992, 188, 186-189. [all data]

Belkyal, I.; Mokhlisse, R.; Tanouti, B.; Chanh, N.B.; Couzi, M., Phase transitions in (CH3NH3)3Bi2C15 studied by calorimetric, X-ray diffraction and dielectric methods, J. Alloys Compd., 1992, 188, 186-9. [all data]