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3 matching references were found.

Knudtson, J.T.; Weitz, E., Infrared spectra and band strengths of the fundamental and first overtone of HCl and DCl in liquid xenon solutions, J. Chem. Phys., 1985, 83, 927-933. [all data]

Krueger, H.; Knudtson, J.T.; Vlahoyannis, Y.P.; Weitz, E., Relaxation of vibrationally excited HCl in solid Xe, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1985, 119, 298-304. [all data]

Vlahoyannis, Y.P.; Krueger, H.; Knudtson, J.T.; Weitz, E., Vibration-vibration energy transfer processes in liquid xenon: a measurement of the rate constant for HCl(v = 2) + HCl(v = 0) → 2HCl(v = 1), Chem. Phys. Lett., 1985, 121, 272-278. [all data]