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Author:Kas'yanova, N.V.

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2 matching references were found.

Lebedinskaya, N.A.; Kas'yanova, N.V.; Latyshev, I.E.; Panaeva, N.M., Temperature relationship of the vapor pressure of butyl esters of aliphatic acids, Khim. Prom-st. (Moscow), 1985, 6, 381. [all data]

Kas'yanova, N.V.; Lebedinskaya, N.A.; Perelaznaya, T.N.; Latyshev, I.E., Mutual solubility and liquid-liquid phase equilibrium in 1,2-propylene glycol/alcohol/hydrocarbon systems, Khim. Prom-st. (Moscow), 1985, No. 2, 83. [all data]