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18 matching references were found.

Jha; Chattopadhyay, Indian J. Phys., 1970, 44, 9. [all data]

Jha, B.L.; Rao, D.R., F2Δγ-A2Πi band system of CN, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Sect. A, 1966, 63, 316. [all data]

Jha, B.L.; Rao, D.R., Emission spectrum of Te2, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1969, 3, 175. [all data]

Jha, B.L.; Subbaram, K.V.; Rao, D.R., Electronic spectra of 130Te2 and 128Te2, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1969, 32, 383. [all data]

Varma, M.P.; Jha, B.L., New bands of A2π-X2Σ+ system of BeCl, Indian J. Phys. B, 1979, 53, 258-259. [all data]

Varma, M.P.; Jha, B.L., Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids for the RKRV potential (A2Πr → X2Σ+ transition of BeCl), J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 1981, 26, 49-52. [all data]

Ishwar, N.B.; Varma, M.P.; Jha, B.L., Experimental potential energy curves and dissociation energy of the gaseous LuF molecule, Acta Phys. Pol., 1982, 61, 503-508. [all data]

Varma, M.P.; Ishwar, N.B.; Jha, B.L., Potential energy curves and dissociation energy of group IIA diatomic fluorides, Physica B+C: (Amsterdam), 1982, 113, 244-248. [all data]

Joshy, N.V.; Mandal, T.K.; Jha, B.L., Spectroscopic studies of aluminum monoxide, Acta Phys. Pol., 1988, 73, 613-617. [all data]

Das, A.K.; Jha, B.L., Ultrasonic study of binary mixtures of some monohydroxy alcohols, ketones, and nitrobenzene with DMSO as common solvent, J. Mol. Liq., 1994, 59, 161-71. [all data]

Jha, D.K.; Jha, B.L., Acoustical parameters of protic and aprotic liquid mixtures, Acustica, 1992, 75, 279-82. [all data]

Jha, D.K.; Jha, B.L., Acoustical parameters of protic and aprotic liquid mixtures, Acustica, 1992, 75, 279-82. [all data]

Gopal, R.; Jha, J.S., Solubilities of some tetraalkylammonium and alkali metal halides in dimethyl sulfoxide, Indian J. Chem., 1974, 12, 618. [all data]

Quail, B.; Hill, G.A.; Jha, K.N., Correlations of viscosity, gas solubility, and density for Saskatchewan heavy oils, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 1988, 27, 519. [all data]

Jha, K.N.; Bolton, G.L.; Freeman, G.R., Solvent Structure Effects and Diffusion Control in the Reaction Between Solvated Electrons and Solvated Protons in Alcohols and Water, Can. J. Chem., 1972, 50, 3073-5. [all data]

Shukla, B.P.; Jha, L.K.; Dubey, G.P., Excess internal pressure of binary and ternary liquid mixtures from ultrasonic measurements, Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys., 1992, 30, 754-6. [all data]

Shukla, B.P.; Jha, L.K., Ultrasonic velocity of binary liquid mixture, Sci. Phys. Sci., 1991, 3, 2, 133-5. [all data]

Bartlett, N.; Jha, N.K., The Preparation and Some Physical Properties of Osmium Oxide Pentafluoride, OsOF5, J. Chem. Soc. A:, 1968, 536-543, . [all data]