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Author:Jayles, C.

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4 matching references were found.

Aubry, M.; Gilot, B.; Jayles, C., Solubility of sulfur dioxide in chlorinated solvents, Ann. Genie Chim., 1967, 3, 73-5. [all data]

Gilot, B.; Aubry, M.; Jayles, C., Vapor-liquid equilibrium of sulfur dioxide + chlorinated solvent mixtures, Chim. Ind., Genie Chim., 1972, 105, 1797. [all data]

Aubry, M.; Jayles, C.; Guiglion, C., Liquid-vapor equilibrium for mixtures of sulfur dioxide + chloroalkanes: correlations of the activity coefficients at infinite dilution, Chim. Ind., Genie Chim., 1972, 105, 1429. [all data]

Gilot, B.; Aubry, M.; Jayles, C., Equilibrium diagrams for the sulfur dioxide + tetrachlorethylene system, Chim. Ind., Genie Chim., 1969, 101, 821. [all data]