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Author:Igolkina, N.

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3 matching references were found.

Korobov, M.V.; Chilingarov, N.S.; Igolkina, N.A.; Nikitin, M.I.; Sidorov, L.N., Molecules with a high electron affinity. Negative ions in the saturated vapor of the platinum-manganese trifluoride system, Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 1984, 58, 1368. [all data]

Nikitin, M.I.; Igolkina, N.A.; Skokan, E.V.; Sorokin, I.D.; Sidirov, L.N., Enthalpies of formation of the AlF4- ion, J. Phys. Chem., 1986, 60, 22. [all data]

Igolkina, N.A., Negative Ion Molecule Reaction in Chromium Trifluoride Vapor, Dep. Doc. VINITI 7085-83 Pt 1 102. [all data]