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Author:Goldman, K.

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6 matching references were found.

Goldman, K., Viscosity of Nitrogen at Low Temperatures and High Pressures, Physica (Amsterdam), 1963, 29, 499. [all data]

Din, F.; Goldman, K., The solubility of nitrous oxide in liquid oxygen, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1959, 55, 239. [all data]

Goldman, K., Physical properties of ethylene: II thermodynamic properties of the condensed phases in Ethylene Its Ind. Deriv., 168-173, 1969. [all data]

Goldman, K.; Scrase, N.G., Densities of saturated liquid oxygen and nitrogen, Physica (Amsterdam), 1969, 44, 555. [all data]

Goldman, K.; Scrase, N.G., Densities of saturated liquid argon., Physica (Amsterdam), 1969, 45, 1. [all data]

Cockett, A.H.; Goldman, K.; Scrase, N.G., Proc. Int. Cryog. Eng. Conf., 2nd, Brighton, Iliffe Technical Publ., 1968. [all data]