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5 matching references were found.

Stryjek, R.; Freydank, H., Comparison of equation of state and activity coefficient approaches for vapor-liqquid equilibra (VLE) correlations of simple fluid mixtures including supercritical components, Chem. Tech. (Leipzig), 1992, 44, 343-7. [all data]

Freydank, H.; Preuss, H.; Pape, D.; Roesler, F., Solubility of gases in pure and mixed solvents, Chem. Tech. (Leipzig), 1992, 44, 304-11. [all data]

Raetzsch, M.T.; Kehlen, V.H.; Massanetz, J.; Freydank, H., Bubble points and dew points of multicomponent systems in the medium pressure range, Z. Phys. Chem. (Leipzig), 1988, 269, 513. [all data]

Lehmann, H.; Freydank, H.; Westmeier, I., Critical Analysis and Evaluation of Experimental Thermophysical Data, Z. Phys. Chem. (Leipzig), 1985, 266, 269-80. [all data]

Raetzsch, M.T.; Freydank, H., Second virial coefficients of binary gas mixtures with complex formation, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1971, 3, 861-6. [all data]