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Author:Bonscher, F.

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4 matching references were found.

Bonscher, F.S.; Shipman, L.M.; Yen, L.C., New Charts for Viscosity and Conductivity Data Part I. Ethylene, Hydrocarbon Process., 1974, 50, 145-148. [all data]

Bonscher, F.S.; Shipman, L.M.; Yen, L.C., New Charts for Viscosity and Conductivity Data Part II., Hydrocarbon Process., 1974, 50, 107-109. [all data]

Bonscher, F.S.; Shipman, L.M.; Yen, L.C., New Charts for Viscosity and Conductivity Data Part III. Propylene, Hydrocarbon Process., 1974, 50, 115-117. [all data]

Bonscher, F.S.; Shipman, L.M.; Yen, L.C., Viscosity and Conductivity Data Part IV. Propane and Mixtures, Hydrocarbon Process., 1974, 50, 169-170. [all data]