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3 matching references were found.

Ziegler, W.T.; Mullins, J.C.; Berquist, A.R., Calculation of the Vapor Pressure and Heats of Vaporization and Sublimation of Liquids and Solids below One Atmosphere Pressure. VIII. Xenon, Ga. Inst. Technol., Eng. Exp. Stn., Proj. A-764, Tech. Rep. No. 3, 1966. [all data]

Ziegler, W.T.; Kirk, B.S.; Mullins, J.C.; Berquist, A.R., Calculation of the vap. press. & heats of vaporization & sublimation of liqs. & solids below 1 atms. prss. VII ethane, Ga. Inst. Technol., Eng. Exp. Stn., Proj. A-764, Tech. Rep. No. 1, 1964. [all data]

Berquist, B.M.; Bozzelli, J.W.; Dzelzkalns, L.S.; Piper, L.G.; Kaufman, F., Vibrational relaxation of highly excited diatomics. I. Method, analysis, and application to HCl (v ≤ 7) + CO2 and N2O, J. Chem. Phys., 1982, 76, 2972-2983. [all data]