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Author:Aliev, M.

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5 matching references were found.

Naziev, Ya.M.; Aliev, M.A., Thermophysical Properties of n-Undecane n-Heptadecane, and n-Octadecane at Different Temperatures and Pressures, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Neft. Gaz., 1973, 16, 7, 73-76. [all data]

Naziev, A.M.; Aliev, M.A., Thermophysical properties of n-undecane n-heptadecane and n-octadecane at different temperatures and pressures, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Neft Gaz, 1973, 16, 7, 73-6. [all data]

Naziev, A.M.; Aliev, M.A., Teploprovodnost' i Teploemkost' n-Decane pri Razlichnyh Temperaturah i Davleniah, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1973, 24, 1033-8. [all data]

Aleksandrov, A.P.; Kataev, D.I.; Aliev, M.R.; Aleksanyan, V.T., On the rotational-vibrational constants of the HCl35 molecule, Opt. Spectrosc. Engl. Transl., 1969, 27, 372, In original 688. [all data]

Aliev, M.R., Opt. Spektrosk., 1971, 31, 568. [all data]