Search Results
19 matching species were found.
For each matching species the following will be displayed:
- Chemical name
- Chemical formula
- Structure image (if available)
Click on the name to see more data.
- Naphthalene (C10H8)
- Azulene (C10H8)
- Naphthalene-D8 (C10D8)
- 1H-Indene, 1-methylene- (C10H8)
- 4-Phenylbut-3-ene-1-yne (C10H8)
- 1,2,3-Metheno-1H-indene,2,3-dihydro (C10H8)
- [4.2.2]Propella-2,4,7,9-tetraene (C10H8)
- 2-Methylene-2H-indene (C10H8)
- Benzobicyclo[2.2.0]hexa-2,5-diene (C10H8)
- Bicyclo[6.2.0]decapentaene (C10H8)
- 5-(2,4-Cyclopentadien-1-ylidene)-1,3-cyclopentadiene (C10H8)
- benzene, 3-buten-1-ynyl- (C10H8)
- D8-azulene radical (C10D8)
- 1-buten-3-ynylbenzene (C10H8)
- p-ethynylstyrene (C10H8)
- Naphthalene, positive ion (C10H8+)
- Azulene, positive ion (C10H8+)
- Naphthalene anion (C10H8-)
- Azulene anion (C10H8-)