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4 matching references were found.

Pimenova, S.M.; Melkhanova, S.V.; Kolesov, V.P.; Demyanov, P.I.; Fedotov, A.N.; Vorobieva, V.P., Experimental determination of the enthalpy of formation of dibenzo- p-dioxin, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2002, 34, 3, 385-390, . [all data]

Sokolova, E.B.; Fedotov, N.S., Synthesis of 2,4-dimethyl-4-ethylhexane and 2,3,5-trimethyl-3-ethylhexane, Tr. Inst. - Mosk. Khim. -Tekhnol. Inst. im. D. I. Mendele- eva, 1956, No. 23, 31. [all data]

Ditsent, V.E.; Skorokhodov, I.I.; Terent'eva, N.A.; Evert, G.E.; Fedotov, N.S., Saturated vapor pressure of adamantane chlorosilyl derivatives, Deposited Doc. ONIITEkhim Cherkassy, 1980, Doc. No. 632 chp - 80, 1980. [all data]

Fedotov, V.V.; Leont'eva, L.A.; Tarasova, S.V.; Bomshtein, V.E., Determination of the thermophysical parameters of oxalic acid solutions, Tr. IREA, 1985, 47, 88. [all data]